Meta Ads vs Google Ads – Which Is Best For Your Business?

In today’s digital landscape, online advertising plays an essential role in generating leads and driving sales for businesses of all sizes. The two giants in this realm, Google Ads and Meta Ads (including Facebook and Instagram Ads), offer distinct platforms that cater to a wide array of advertising needs. But which one is the ideal choice for your business? In this article, we delve into an in-depth comparison of Meta Ads and Google Ads, discussing their key differences, unique features, and how they can best serve your digital marketing goals in New Zealand.

Key Takeaways

  • Google Ads and Meta Ads have unique strengths and strategic differences in campaign setup, ad placements, budget management, and creative formats.
  • Understanding the basics of both platforms, such as the differences between paid search and paid social, can enhance your overall digital marketing strategy.
  • Aligning campaign objectives with your business goals is crucial for maximising the effectiveness of your ads on both platforms.
  • Ad placement and visibility vary between Google Ads and Meta Ads, impacting where your audience encounters your ads across various web assets and social platforms.
  • Managing your advertising budget effectively on both platforms can optimise your ad spending and yield greater return on investment.
  • Impactful ad creatives and responsive design are essential components for user engagement and overall success of your campaigns.
  • Pinpointing your target audience is vital, with both platforms offering unique targeting capabilities and automation features for finding ideal customers.

Understanding the Basics of Meta and Google Advertising Platforms

Meta and Google advertising platforms are both powerful tools for reaching a vast online audience. The two platforms utilise different approaches to effectively connect with users, thus enabling advertisers to cater to their specific needs. Meta Ads, representing paid social, leverages detailed user information for highly targeted advertising. In contrast, Google Ads, synonymous with paid search, employs search query data to display relevant ads to interested users. By understanding the foundations of these advertising platforms, businesses can enhance their digital marketing presence and ad campaigns effectively.

One of the main distinctions between the two platforms lies in their targeting capabilities. Meta Ads allows advertisers to benefit from a wealth of information available on users’ social profiles, leading to more granular targeting options. The platform offers various data points, including age, gender, location, interests, and behaviour, providing a comprehensive view of the target audience. On the other hand, Google Ads relies on user intent, as indicated by search terms, to display ads that align with prospective customers’ interests. This approach ensures that ads are highly relevant and timely, as they appear when users actively search for solutions or services.

Meta Ads: Detailed user profiles for highly targeted advertising.

Google Ads: User intent-based search engine advertising with timely relevance.

Additionally, Meta and Google advertising platforms are designed with their respective ecosystems in mind. Meta Ads supports various social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, while Google Ads cater to search engine advertising and other Google-owned properties like YouTube and Gmail. This distinction is essential to consider when planning ad campaigns, as it affects the available ad formats and placements, as well as the context in which your ads are displayed.

Advertising Platform Purpose Key Features
Meta Ads Paid Social Granular targeting using user profile information, tailored ad formats for social media
Google Ads Paid Search User intent-based targeting with search engine advertising, ad formats suited for search results and other Google properties

To truly maximise the potential of these advertising platforms, marketers need to devise an efficient digital marketing strategy. This includes assessing the strengths and weaknesses of each platform and aligning ad campaigns to capitalise on their respective advantages. By leveraging the unique capabilities of Meta and Google Ads, advertisers can enhance their online visibility, engage their target audience, and ultimately, achieve greater return on investment.

Strategic Differences: Campaign Objectives and User Intent

Meta Ads and Google Ads Campaign Objectives

In order to maximise the efficacy of your online advertising efforts, it is vital to align your campaign objectives with your overarching business goals. Both Meta and Google Ads offer various campaign objectives, each tailored towards specific marketing aims. Understanding the nuances of these objectives, as well as how they correlate with user intent, can provide valuable insight in developing a successful marketing strategy.

Meta Ads Objectives Google Ads Objectives
Traffic campaigns Search campaigns
App promotion campaigns Display campaigns
Brand awareness Performance Max campaigns
User engagement Discovery campaigns

Choosing Campaign Objectives in Meta Ads

Selecting the right campaign objective in Meta Ads is a crucial first step, as the choice greatly impacts the setup process and the features available to you. For example, Traffic campaigns are designed to increase the number of visitors to your website, while App promotion campaigns specifically target mobile app downloads. By aligning these objectives with your primary marketing goals, you can enhance the performance and efficacy of your Meta Ads campaigns.

Defining Goals in Google Ads

Google Ads provides a list of optional objectives to choose from during the campaign setup stage. However, it should be noted that defining your goals too specifically may potentially limit the range of campaign types available to you later on, such as Search, Display, Performance Max, and Discovery. Balancing a clear set of objectives with enough flexibility to capitalise on various campaign types is vital in optimising your Google Ads investment.

Aligning Business Goals with Ad Objectives

Ultimately, the key to a successful marketing strategy is aligning your ad campaign objectives with your broader business aims. Whether your focus is on boosting user engagement, increasing brand visibility, or driving sales conversions, the selection and execution of your campaigns must be tailored accordingly. By concentrating on these goals, you can ensure that your ad spend is used efficiently and effectively across both Meta Ads and Google Ads platforms.

“The strategic alignment of campaign objectives and business goals is the cornerstone of a successful digital marketing strategy.”

In conclusion, a nuanced understanding of the strategic differences between Meta Ads and Google Ads campaign objectives is vital for achieving your digital marketing objectives. By choosing the right set of objectives and aligning them with your overall business goals, you can maximise the performance of your campaigns and enhance your return on investment.

Placement and Visibility: Where Do Your Ads Appear?

When it comes to online advertising, ad placement and visibility are crucial factors for driving engagement and conversions. Understanding the available options on Google Ads and Meta Ads platforms can help you make informed decisions for your campaigns.

Google Ads offers a variety of placements for your advertisements: Google’s search results, YouTube, Gmail, search partner sites, and the Google Display Network. These far-reaching ad placements ensure a large and diverse audience.

On the other hand, Meta Ads provides ad placement opportunities across its social platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, as well as the Meta Audience Network. This approach positions your ads on platforms where users are actively engaging with content, boosting your chances of reaching your target audience.

Placement options on both platforms can be manually selected or automatically optimised, allowing you to tailor campaigns to your specific business needs and target audience.

Platform Ad Placements
Google Ads Google’s search results, YouTube, Gmail, search partner sites, and the Google Display Network.
Meta Ads Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and the Meta Audience Network.

In conclusion, both Google Ads and Meta Ads offer unique ad placement and visibility options to cater to various strategies and objectives. By understanding the platforms’ strengths and capabilities, you can effectively decide on the best advertising approach for your business, ensuring optimal visibility and reach.

Managing Your Advertising Budget Effectively

Both Meta Ads and Google Ads offer different approaches to budget management, introduced through daily budgets or lifetime budgets for Meta Ads and campaign-level budgeting for Google Ads. Understanding the nuances of each platform’s budget allocation system is crucial for optimizing your advertising budget and achieving the best results with your ad spending.

Advertising budget allocation

Setting Budgets in Meta Ads

In Meta Ads, you have two options when it comes to budget management: daily budgets and lifetime budgets. A daily budget refers to the maximum amount you are willing to spend on your ads each day. Meta treats the daily budget as an average, providing flexibility within specific timeframes. This means Meta permits spending up to 25% more per day, as long as the budget is normalized over a week.

A lifetime budget, on the other hand, specifies the maximum amount you want to spend over the entire duration of your ad campaign. When using a lifetime budget, Meta automatically allocates your ad spend across the duration of your ad set, taking into account factors such as audience size, targeted locations, and potential reach.

Allocate your advertising budget wisely by understanding the differences between daily budgets and lifetime budgets in Meta Ads to optimize ad performance and control ad spending.

Allocating Funds in Google Ads

Google Ads implements a daily budget approach for managing campaign finances. This daily budget is set at the campaign level, with specific provisions for video campaigns. In contrast to Meta Ads, Google views your daily budget as a monthly average, permitting up to twice the daily budget spend on any given day. This approach, however, normalizes the spend monthly at 30.4 times your daily budget.

Furthermore, you can also implement pay-per-click (PPC) bidding strategies to control your ad spending in Google Ads. Considering your goals, you can choose between manual bidding, where you set the maximum cost per click, or automated bidding strategies, which optimize your budget allocation based on pre-defined objectives, such as maximizing clicks or targeting a specific return on ad spend.

  1. Maximize clicks: Get the most clicks within your daily budget.
  2. Target cost per acquisition (CPA): Achieve a desired CPA for your conversions.
  3. Target return on ad spend (ROAS): Aim to reach a specific return on your ad spend.

With careful budget management and informed bidding strategies, both Meta Ads and Google Ads can be utilized to their full potential, helping you achieve your desired advertising outcomes without surpassing your advertising budget.

Crafting Impactful Ad Creatives for Meta and Google

ad creative formats

The effectiveness of your digital marketing strategy relies heavily on the quality and adaptability of your ad creatives. Both Meta and Google offer unique creative formats and tools that can help you achieve better user engagement and advertising effectiveness.

Differences in Creative Formats

Meta Ads empowers advertisers with the ability to create multiple ad variations by combining headlines, descriptions, primary text, and media elements. This approach allows for more control over the presentation of the ad, promoting interactive advertising and multimedia experiences.

On the other hand, Google Ads increasingly relies on responsive ads to generate a wide range of ad combinations from a given set of assets. This streamlined approach can save time and effort while catering to the various ad spaces available on Google’s extensive network.

Ad Platform Creative Format Main Features
Meta Ads Multiple Ad Variations Combination of headline, description, primary text, and media elements
Google Ads Responsive Ads Auto-generated combinations from a set of provided assets

Responsive Design and User Engagement

Both Meta and Google offer features to enhance user engagement through their respective ad creative formats. With Google’s responsive design, ads can automatically adjust to fit different ad spaces, ensuring a seamless browsing experience across devices. This flexibility ensures advertising effectiveness amidst the growing number of screen sizes and formats.

Meta’s platform, catering to social media advertising, enables advertisers to craft visually compelling ads that resonate with their target audience’s interests and online behaviour. The creative freedom provided by Meta’s ad formats allows for more interactive advertising experiences, leading to improved user engagement.

Choose the right ad creative format to achieve the perfect balance between responsiveness and visual appeal.

In conclusion, utilizing both Meta Ads and Google Ads’ creative formats will maximize your digital marketing strategy’s performance. Experiment with different ad creative formats on each platform, monitor user engagement metrics, and adapt your strategy to ensure your advertising efforts are both responsive and captivating.

Pinpointing Your Audience: Targeting Capabilities Compared

Effective ad targeting is an essential aspect of an advertising campaign. Both Meta Ads and Google Ads provide robust audience targeting capabilities, but each platform offers unique features in terms of targeting options. In this section, we will compare the targeting capabilities available on Meta Ads and Google Ads, examining their respective strengths and effectiveness in reaching your ideal audience.

Both platforms utilize user data to create comprehensive audience targeting options. However, there are some notable differences between Meta Ads and Google Ads that impact the granularity of their targeting capabilities. First, let’s dive into the targeting options offered by Meta Ads.

Targeting in Meta Ads can be highly specific with the use of lookalike audiences, while Google has begun phasing out similar segments.

Meta Ads offers a unique feature known as lookalike audiences, which allows advertisers to target potential customers who bear a resemblance to their existing customer base. Lookalike audiences are created from a source audience—such as your website visitors or a list of email subscribers—and provide an effective way to scale your campaigns by reaching out to a larger pool of prospective customers with similar tastes and preferences.

Google Ads, on the other hand, is moving away from lookalike segments in favor of more automated targeting options. Google’s Optimised Targeting feature aims to expand your reach by finding users who are more likely to convert outside your preselected audience. This automation-driven approach allows the platform to make more refined targeting decisions based on factors like user history and intent, ultimately improving the potential for conversions.

Audience expansion with Optimised Targeting and Lookalike Audiences

Besides these unique features, Meta Ads and Google Ads also offer many similar audience targeting capabilities like demographics, interests, and behaviours. Let’s compare these options in-depth using a table.

Audience Targeting Options Meta Ads Google Ads
Demographics Target users based on age, gender, location, language, and more. Filter your audience by age, gender, parental status, and household income.
Interests Reach users interested in specific topics and categories, or users who exhibit similar behaviours. Target users based on their interests and affinities, or choose from a wide range of in-market segments.
Behaviours Filter your audience based on their specific actions or behaviours like purchase intent, device usage, and travel preferences. Target users based on specific life events, recent purchases, application behaviour, or custom intent audiences based on search history.
Audience Expansion Make use of lookalike audiences to expand your reach and connect with users who share similar traits with your existing customers. Leverage Optimised Targeting to reach users more likely to convert outside your selected audience based on the algorithms’ calculations.

In conclusion, both Meta Ads and Google Ads offer powerful audience targeting capabilities to advertisers. Meta Ads’ lookalike audiences provide highly specific targeting, while Google Ads’ Optimised Targeting focuses on expanding your reach to achieve better conversions. To make the most out of these platforms, consider using a mix of unique and shared targeting options to create the perfect blend that ensures higher engagement and conversion rates for your ad campaigns.


In the ongoing debate of Google Ads vs Meta Ads, it’s crucial to acknowledge the unique advantages each platform brings to the table. While Google Ads excels in reaching users based on their search intent, Meta Ads capitalises on the power of social media, utilising detailed user profiles for granular targeting. A well-rounded digital marketing strategy should consider utilising both platforms for optimal online visibility and lead generation in New Zealand.

Performance analysis plays a significant role in determining the success of your marketing strategies and ad campaigns, as it provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of your investments. Regularly reviewing and adjusting your targeting methods will lead to improved results and a higher return on your advertising budget. Keep in mind that these platforms are constantly evolving, making it essential for businesses to stay informed about the latest developments and features.

Ultimately, the right choice between Google Ads and Meta Ads depends on your specific business goals, target audience, and overall marketing objectives. By carefully assessing your needs and analysing the results of your campaigns, you can make informed decisions about which platform will serve your business best. If you’re unsure about which route to take, don’t hesitate to contact a marketing professional for personalised advice on creating a successful advertising strategy that maximises your potential for growth.


Which platform should I choose for my business: Meta Ads or Google Ads?

The choice between Meta Ads and Google Ads depends on your business goals and target audience. It’s essential to understand the strategic differences between the two platforms, such as campaign objectives, ad placements, budget management, creative formats, and targeting options. Using both platforms in sync can maximize your online visibility and sales in NZ.

How do I choose the right campaign objective for my Meta Ads campaign?

Selecting the appropriate campaign objective for your Meta Ads campaign is crucial for performance. Consider your overall business goals such as improving user engagement, increasing brand visibility, or driving sales conversions. Notable objectives in Meta Ads include Traffic and App promotion campaigns, each serving different functions.

How do Google Ads campaign objectives differ from those in Meta Ads?

In contrast to Meta Ads, Google Ads provides an optional step for selecting an objective during campaign setup. Defining yourgoals may limit subsequent options, such as specifying campaign types like Search, Display, Performance Max, and Discovery, among others.

Where do my ads appear in Meta Ads and Google Ads?

On Google Ads, your advertisements can appear on Google search results, YouTube, Gmail, search partner sites, and the Google Display Network. In Meta Ads, your advertisements can appear across social platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, as well as the Meta Audience Network.

How can I manage my advertising budget effectively in Meta Ads and Google Ads?

In Meta Ads, set either daily or lifetime budgets at the ad set level, impacting when and how your budget is spent. In Google Ads, you’ll allocate a daily budget at the campaign level. Both platforms treat budgets differently: Meta averages the daily budget within a week, while Google considers it a monthly average.

What are the creative format differences between Meta Ads and Google Ads?

Meta Ads use a combination of the headline, description, primary text, and media elements for ad creation. Google Ads increasingly uses responsive ads, which auto-generate numerous combinations from a set of provided assets. Both approaches impact user engagement and ad performance differently.

How do targeting capabilities compare between Meta Ads and Google Ads?

In Meta Ads, targeting can be highly specific using lookalike audiences, while Google has started phasing out similar segments. Both platforms are pushing for automation in audience targeting with Optimized Targeting for Google and Advantage Detailed Targeting for Meta, allowing algorithms to find users more likely to convert outside selected audiences.

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Google Ads – How You Can Boost Your Online Sales in 2023

When it comes to Search Engine Marketing, or SEM, we think of Google Ads. This is primarily because of Google’s size and influence, they hold over 90% of the global market share. All the other search engines, combined, hold less than 9% of the market. A staggering fact isn’t it?

The purpose of this article is to help you understand what Google Ads (previously known as Google AdWords) are all about, their relevance for your business, and the different ways in which they can add value to your marketing efforts. So without further ado, let’s reveal how you can boost your online sales in 2023 with Google Ads!

Google Ads have transformed even the smallest Brands into global empires.

If you want your business to be featured alongside the huge number of searches that take place on Google each day (spoiler, it’s over 8.5 Billion) and rapidly increase your Brand awareness whilst growing your bottom line, in our opinion there is no better ‘bang for your buck’ than using Google Ads. 

why you should choose google ads

Here are our top 5 reasons to consider Google Ads to boost your online sales in 2023:

  1. Google Ads Deliver Quality Leads

  2. Control Ad Spend With Google Ads

  3. Increase Brand Reach with Google Ads

  4. Rich Reporting Capabilities in Google Ads

  5. Faster Results Than SEO with Google Ads

how to drive quality leads
Sales professionals and Marketers alike know the importance of quality leads. At the end of the day, your ad campaign should meet the objectives of your brand.

With Google improving its algorithms every day, you can be assured of reaching your target audience. With billions of searches every day, frankly it would be hard for them not to.

Google Ads allow you to bid for specific keywords – short or long-tail keywords. While the latter allows you to target potential customers with high intent, the former may get you higher traction with fewer leads.

You can generate leads in so many ways and from so many services with Google Ads – the world really is your oyster.

Ever felt that Google knows what you like more than your best friend?

what is the google ads algorithm

This is all down to Google’s smart algorithms.
They can detect user intent and serve them just what they are looking for on a silver platter.

Having the ability to essentially ‘know’ user intent, retain all that data and then provide a platform in which an every day person can advertise using it is a game changer.

No other platform, search engines or social media alike, come close to the power of Google in this regard and it’s all down to the algorithm and volume – the number of people, just like you, that use it every day making it more intelligent.

The power of Google Ads is in the Audience Segments

how to use affinity segments on google ads

Your ad has to be exciting and make a big enough impact to sway users, ideally in under 3 seconds.
With Google Ads, you can target users who are looking for a product that your business has to offer by using highly-targeted audience segments.

These audience segments and affinity segments are separate to keywords but equally as important. They help to focus your marketing efforts by connecting more deeply with the type of person who is most likely to engage with your Brand.

For example, someone searching for the latest super-efficient solar panel are likely to be the type of user who has affinity for green living. In this case, we would choose the affinity audience ‘Green Living Enthusiasts’ to target them (amongst others).

This level of precision provides you with an edge over other advertising channels and allows you to win more leads.

2. Control Ad Spend With Google Ads

how to set a google ads budget
Once upon a time, marketers really struggled to keep their ad campaigns within budget.
The reporting capabilities and the speed of communication was poor to say the least so everything was slower and based on estimates.

Likewise, the marketing options available weren’t particularly effective either – but they were all we had – and you often needed to use multiple companies in order to advertise across multiple channels.

This approach increases operating costs and creates accounting challenges; trying to juggle lots of invoices and payment schedules isn’t easy and worse yet – they carry their own costs too.

Google Ads are a simpler & more effective marketing option

Google Ads use multiple channels, with powerful reporting capabilities that are near real-time combined with fast ad development times all provided by one single company.

This approach solves many of those marketing challenges from yesteryear. With the added benefit of it being digital marketing, which virtually puts your brand in someones pocket and follows them wherever they go.

Your business can be seen every day across Google Search, GMail and YouTube amongst others  – the reach is extraordinary and the marketing of dreams only 20 years ago.

It is almost impossible to overspend with Google Ads as they hand complete control of how your money is spent over to you. You can target specific keywords, assign the number of bids, and set daily budget limits. Most importantly though, you are only charged when an ad is actually clicked putting you firmly in the driving seat.


3. Increase Brand Reach with Google Ads 

increase brand reach with google ads
Google Ads are so much more than just a means to drive clicks. They are a powerful tool to spread brand awareness and increase your exposure. This is particularly important for new businesses.

Reinforcing your Brand name, personality, reputation, etc are all vital to build trust with your visitors. The more you repeat these things consistently, the stronger your Brand becomes and the more trust you earn with potential customers too. And it is trust, that will ultimately earn you sales and loyal customers, make no mistake – trust is everything.

By leveraging the Google Ads network, even if potential customers aren’t clicking any of your ads, they see your Brand. Your name, your contact details and what you offer, in addition to whatever else you choose to showcase on your ad.

There are even options to focus on increasing your Brand’s reach above all else, less clicks and more impressions for example. With this level of customisation and flexibility, you can hone down and refine your marketing goals – and achieve them. It really is a ‘have your cake and eat it too’ situation.


4. Rich Reporting Capabilities in Google Ads

google ads reporting capabilities
When it comes to marketing, reporting is vital.
If you are unable to analyse precisely how your ad campaigns are performing then, at best, you are gambling with your advertising budget and at worst you are marketing blind.

Without powerful reporting capabilities, it throws into doubt just how effective your marketing campaign really is – your ROI and Conversion rates being the most important – and worse yet, you would have no idea what to improve to turn things around. 

Google Ads not only provides a plethora of analytical information itself, such as the example seen above, but it also integrates seamlessly with Analytics suites to greatly expand these capabilities and provide the clarity of what this traffic leads to on your website.

Our Analytics suite AnaTrix, is 100% compatible with Google Ads and allows you to track all this ad traffic using Events, it’s a feature which helps track conversions. All the while, monitoring in real-time what all the website visitors are actually looking at on your website without compromising their privacy.

AnaTrix is a cookieless, privacy-centric analytics suite and well ahead of its competitors in simplicity and size – less than 1kb! Take a look…

anatrix web analytics suite by viewfule
Google Analytics also provides highly detailed monitoring capabilities which you can then report on. No matter which analytics suite you choose, it all serves to empower so you are fully in-control, at all times, and can see when campaigns are beginning to go ‘off piste’ and require intervention before the wheels really fall off.


5. Faster Results Than SEO with Google Ads

seo vs google ads which is better
Google Ads are a faster way to grow your business. However, full disclosure, Search Engine Optimisation or SEO is still the backbone of the most highly visited websites. The posts and pages you see on the first page of the Google search results aren’t just well-written with carefully researched keywords; they belong to websites that have amassed a huge number of backlinks which they have steadily gained over time.

Backlinks are, and probably will be for some time yet, the joint number one ranking factor for websites along with Core Web Vitals (which we wrote an article on recently).

However, SEO does not happen over night. It can take years before one of your webpages is ranked on the first page of Google for a broad keyword search term. Many businesses, sadly, never see the day because they never saw the value of engaging with an SEO specialist to get them there. But with Google Ads, you can work around this problem.

accountants in kapiti google ads

When you get started with Google Ads, your chances greatly improve as you leap-frog all the organic results on the search engine results page (SERPs).

As you can see in the example above for an Accountant, when searching for ‘accountant in kapiti’ your business could be right there at the top. Because of this premium ad placement, your web traffic grows exponentially and it grows easier with time too.

There’s no endless search for valuable backlinks that will bump your page up the search results place by place like with SEO. Plus there’s no trawling over keyword density on your post-click landing page. When those Ads start – you are right there, at the top.

Precisely where everyone looks first and that means you stand to capture most of the web traffic. 75% of all clicks on the first page happen at the top. 


Your next steps.

At VIEWFULE, we help to provide businesses, just like yours, with getting the best ‘bang for your buck’ every day. Putting up signs all over town, creating radio ads, writing a newspaper ad or even performing a leaflet drop have largely become inefficient marketing methods by today’s standards. The ROI is poor by comparison, very hard to track and report on, and the costs have increased considerably to $1000’s per month in some cases. You can avoid this entirely with Google Ads. So reach our for your FREE consultation and we’ll talk through if Search Engine Marketing is right for your business.

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