Website Security – Top 5 Ways To Improve Your Website Security in 2024

In the digital sphere, your website acts as the storefront of your business, and just as you’d secure a physical shop, it’s essential to fortify your online presence. Cybersecurity threats are on the rise, with hackers continuously scouting for website vulnerabilities to exploit. Fortunately, you can take decisive steps to improve your website security and ensure robust website protection.

It’s crucial to grasp that website safety encompasses more than simply warding off attacks; it’s about preserving the trust that your customers place in your brand. A secure website is the foundation upon which e-commerce and digital interactions rest.

Don’t be daunted by the complexities of cybersecurity; rather, envision the process as a series of manageable actions, each reinforcing the wall that guards your data. By adopting a proactive stance, you can effectively thwart potential attacks and sustain a secure, trustworthy website environment.

Key Takeaways

  • Understand and address current website vulnerabilities as a priority.
  • Ensure regular updates to your software systems to fortify against breaches.
  • Adopt a rigorous approach to password management and authentication.
  • Incorporate SSL encryption to protect data and improve SEO rankings.
  • Establish real-time monitoring to swiftly detect and counteract threats.
  • Regularly educate your staff on best practices for cybersecurity.

Strengthening Access Control

As you aim to protect your website and guarantee a secure online presence, it’s vital to focus on the foundation of website safety—access control. A strong password policy isn’t just advisable; it’s an imperious layer of defence, counting on you to mandate intricate, lengthy passwords that defy brute force intrusions.

two-factor authentication isn’t merely an option, but a necessity, adding a secondary verification step to strengthen access security.

Remember, the vigilance you maintain in your access control protocols is a direct reflection of the value you place on your website’s integrity and user trust.

Let’s delve into some strategies to bolster your access control and keep malign activities at bay:

  • Enforce complex passwords that mix symbols, numbers, and case-sensitive letters.
  • Implement two-factor authentication to deter unauthorised access attempts.
  • Use password managers for safeguarding credentials and facilitating controlled access.
  • Educate your team consistently on the latest in cybersecurity threats.

Each measure forms a vital cog in the mechanism that shields your web presence from cyber threats. It is essential to implement them with due diligence to consistently uphold website safety.

Password Policy Component Why It Matters Example of a Strong Policy
Length Longer passwords amplify the difficulty in cracking them. Minimum of 12 characters in length
Complexity A mix of character types fortifies against automated guesses. Includes numbers, symbols, uppercase and lowercase letters
Uniqueness Reduces the risk posed by data breaches on other services. One-of-a-kind for each site or service
Update Frequency Regular updates can prevent long-term vulnerabilities. Password changes every 3 months
Usage of Password Managers Allows secure sharing and storage of complex passwords. Use trusted managers like LastPass or 1Password

Equipping your website with an impenetrable access control system ushers in a plethora of benefits—it not only protects your website from unauthorised intrusions but also champions a culture where cybersecurity is respected and practised consistently.

Maintaining Software and Plugins Up-to-date

Ensuring the security of your website necessitates vigilant attention towards the software and plugins you deploy. A key tactic to improve your website security is the persistent effort to maintain up-to-date software and handle plugin security effectively. Let’s delve into the strategies that will bolster the integrity of your online presence against potential threats.

Automating Software Updates

When it comes to streamlining the update process, automation becomes your ally. Enabling automate updates can reduce the burden of manual oversight and effectively close security loopholes. For instance, WordPress site administrators can utilise reliable tools like Easy Updates Manager to ensure each component remains current without frequent manual intervention.

Handling Plugin Vulnerabilities

Plugins enrich your website’s functionalities, but they can also pose significant risks if left outdated. Out-of-date add-ons are notorious for becoming the prime targets of cyber attacks. Promptly addressing plugin security is, therefore, a measure that cannot be neglected.

Regularly Auditing Software Components

Regularly conducting a software audit is a proactive step that empowers you to identify and address possible weak links within your technological framework. Such audits help ensure that all active software components contribute to a secure ecosystem rather than represent latent vulnerabilities.

Effective Software and Plugins Update Strategy

By taking these proactive steps and recognising the importance of keeping your digital environment upgraded, you underscore your commitment to not only safeguard your online premises but also assure your visitors that they are engaging with a trustworthy and secure platform.

Improve Your Website Security through Encryption

Adopting encryption practices is paramount for your website security. By deploying an SSL certificate, you ensure that every bit of information transferred between your visitors and your site is encrypted. This measure is not only about protecting data but also about building trust. Users are becoming savvier and can recognise when sites implement Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption, signified by HTTPS in your website’s URL.

How do you check if your website is secure? Look for the padlock symbol next to the URL in your browser. No padlock? Then it’s high time to encrypt login pages and all sensitive sections of your online domain. Below is an overview of how SSL certificates fortify your website against unwarranted intrusions:

SSL Encryption Benefits Impact on Website Security SEO Advantages
Data Protection Encrypts sensitive user data, deterring data breaches. Google ranks encrypted sites higher, improving your visibility.
Authentication Verifies entity identities, reducing impersonation risks. Enhances customer trust, potentially decreasing bounce rates.
Integrity Prevents data alteration during transfer, preserving content accuracy. Users trust and stay longer on sites that ensure content integrity.

Implementing SSL is more than a luxury—it’s an essential security staple in today’s digital world. Not only are you protecting your visitors, but you are also bolstering your credibility with search engines prioritising secure sites. Don’t allow your site to be compromised due to a lack of proper encryption. Protect yourself and your users, and watch your site’s reputation soar.

Implementing Continuous Monitoring and Detection

In the realm of cybersecurity, vigilance is not just a virtue but a necessity. To maintain a robust security posture, you must adopt strategies that offer both prevention and real-time threat identification. By integrating continuous monitoring with sophisticated detection systems, you elevate your defence mechanisms to preempt and tackle cyber threats efficiently.

cybersecurity monitoring

Setting Up Intrusion Detection Systems

To fortify your digital boundaries, implementing intrusion detection systems (IDPS) is essential. A comprehensive IDPS solution does not just safeguard your network perimeter; it also provides critical insights into the security events within your system. Let’s delve into the nuances of both host-based and network-based models:

  • Host-Based IDPS: These are deployed directly on your server to monitor and analyse the system for potentially malicious activities.
  • Network-Based IDPS: These scrutinise network traffic and can detect intrusion attempts across the network as a whole.

Deploying the right type of IDPS is key to your cyber defence strategy, ensuring that unauthorised attempts are detected and acted upon in a timely fashion.

Employing a Web Application Firewall

In the context of safeguarding web applications, a Web Application Firewall (WAF) is indispensable. It serves as a gatekeeper, filtering and monitoring HTTP traffic between a web application and the Internet. This barrier is your frontline defence against the myriad of web exploits:

A WAF operates on a set of rules to identify and block malicious traffic, thereby protecting web applications from common exploits like SQL injection and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS).

Real-Time Security Logging and Reporting

For real-time security, information must flow swiftly and accurately. Logging and reporting are the eyes and ears of your cybersecurity team; without them, vital information could slip through the cracks:

  • Real-Time Logging: This entails meticulous recording of all security-related events, giving you an exhaustive audit trail for forensic analysis.
  • Timely Reporting: Real-time alerts and reporting empower you to respond swiftly to incidents, mitigating potential damage.

Continuous monitoring and diligent analysis are critical in recognising signs of a compromise before they escalate into a full-blown breach.

Feature Benefit Implementation
Intrusion Detection System Early Threat Detection Choose between host-based or network-based systems based on your infrastructure needs.
Web Application Firewall Prevent Common Exploits Implement rulesets tailored to the web applications you’re protecting.
Real-Time Security Logging Comprehensive Oversight Integrate logging with your existing security information and event management systems.
Timely Reporting Efficient Incident Response Establish a protocol for incident alerts and ensure that your team is trained to respond.

As the digital landscape evolves, so too must our approach to cybersecurity. With continuous monitoring, utilisation of a web application firewall, and intrusion detection systems in place, you’re not just observing the battlefield—you’re actively engaging in it. This proactive stance in real-time security is not just a strategy; it’s a commitment to safeguarding your digital domain.


In the realm of cybersecurity, securing your website is akin to an ongoing campaign rather than a singular battle. It’s imperative that you commit to periodic website security checks, as this is a surefire way to keep abreast of the latest cyber threats and ensure the defences of your online presence remain impregnable. Whether you’re running a small blog powered by WordPress security measures or a full-fledged e-commerce platform, vulnerability is an omnipresent risk; but it’s one that can be mitigated with due diligence and regular scrutiny.

Commit to Regular Security Reviews

Consider your website’s protection as being similar to caring for a sophisticated machine – it requires consistent tune-ups and assessments to perform at its best. Regular security reviews are not just best practice; they are necessary rituals to secure your website against the continuously evolving tactics of cyber miscreants. This calls for a thorough revaluation of your website security measures, covering everything from access control to encryption – and even the smallest tweak in your security stance could mean the difference between susceptibility and safety.

Contact Information for Security Concerns

Should any concerns arise regarding the security posture of your site, or if you’re seeking tailored advice to enhance your defences, expert help is within reach. Do not hesitate to contact our team at 0800 150 803 or send an email to for specialised support. In the digital landscape, proactive vigilance is your strongest ally. By equipping yourself with comprehensive website security measures, you’re not just protecting your data, but you’re also fortifying the trust your audience places in you.


What are the top 5 ways to improve my website security?

To enhance your website protection, you should focus on strengthening access control, keeping your software and plugins up-to-date, utilising encryption through SSL certificates to encrypt login pages and sensitive information, implementing continuous real-time monitoring and detection systems such as web application firewalls, and committing to regular security reviews and measures.

How can I strengthen my website’s access control?

Strengthen your website’s access control by enforcing a strong password policy, requiring unique and complex passwords for all user accounts, and implementing two-factor authentication (2FA) for an additional layer of security. Also, limit the number of login attempts to prevent brute force attacks, and educate your users about website safety and the importance of secure credentials.

Why should I automate updates for software and plugins, and how do I do it?

Automating updates for your software and plugins can significantly reduce the risk of website vulnerability by ensuring you’re not running outdated and potentially exploitable components. Many platforms, like WordPress, offer solutions like the Easy Updates Manager plugin, allowing you to automate updates easily to maintain up-to-date software and improve your website security.

What is the importance of encryption for my website, and how do I implement it?

Encryption, particularly through SSL certificates, is crucial for securing the data transferred between the website and its users. It protects sensitive information from being intercepted by unauthorised parties. You can implement SSL encryption by acquiring an SSL certificate from a trusted provider and installing it on your web server, which will also enable HTTPS on your domain, signifying a secure socket layer is in place.

How can continuous monitoring and detection improve my website’s cybersecurity?

Continuous monitoring and detection systems, such as intrusion detection systems and web application firewalls, can help you identify and respond to security threats in real time. They provide continuous oversight of web traffic and can proactively protect against various attacks and vulnerabilities. Implementing these systems ensures that anomalies are swiftly identified and dealt with, which is integral for robust cybersecurity practices.

Why is regular software auditing important for website security?

Regular software auditing is essential because it helps you to proactively identify potential security vulnerabilities within your website’s infrastructure. By conducting periodic audits, you can spot outdated software components, address plugin security issues, and fix any weaknesses before they are exploited by hackers, thus maintaining a secure online presence.

How often should I review my website’s security?

You should commit to regular security reviews, with best practices recommending at least a quarterly security check. However, you might need to review more frequently depending on the nature of your site, the sensitivity of the information it handles, and any emerging security threats or news of relevant vulnerabilities. By doing so, you can ensure your website security measures are always up-to-date and effective.

Who can I contact for help if I have security concerns about my website?

If you’re experiencing security concerns or would like to conduct a website security check, you can get in touch with knowledgeable cybersecurity experts. For immediate assistance, contact us at 0800 150 803 or send an email to . Our team is equipped to offer guidance and support to secure your website and enhance your WordPress security.

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SSL Certificates – What Is An SSL Certificate And Why Should I Buy One?

Have you ever noticed that some website addresses start with ‘http://’ while others start with ‘https://’?

Perhaps you saw that extra ‘s’ when you were browsing an online shop, logged in to your internet banking or perhaps when booking a doctors appointment.

But where did that extra ‘s’ come from, and what exactly does it mean?

An SSL certificate is a digital certificate that authenticates a website’s identity and enables an encrypted connection.

In plain language, that extra ‘s’ means your connection to that website is secure. Any data you enter is safely shared with that website.

The technology that powers that little ‘s’ is called SSL, which stands for ‘Secure Sockets Layer’. Read on to learn how SSL works, how it forms a part of your cybersecurity strategy and how you can buy an SSL Certificate to keep your website safe.

Want to learn more about SSL and why it’s so important? Check out our Top 5 tips below:

  1. What is an SSL Certificate?

  2. How can I tell if my website is protected by an SSL Certificate?

  3. Why should I buy an SSL Certificate?

  4. What are the different types of SSL Certificates?

  5. Where do I buy an SSL Certificate for my website?

As a consumer, you always want to see ‘https://’ when visiting websites that involve sharing your sensitive information. This could be your credit card details or address information perhaps. Likewise; as a business owner, you will want to make sure you have an SSL Certificate to help keep your website safe and secure.

1. What is an SSL Certificate?


What is an SSL Certificate

An SSL certificate works by creating an encrypted connection between you and the website to establish trust.

One of the most important elements of online business is creating a trusted environment where website visitors and customers alike feel confident in making purchases. 

An SSL (secure sockets layer) certificate creates a foundation of trust by verifying the identity of a website and securing a connection between the web page and the web browser. If you operate an e-Commerce website and are asking your customers to input sensitive information such as their credit card number, or collect other identifiable information, an SSL certificate ensures that information transmitted to and from your website is encrypted. 

SSL Certificates form the cornerstone of modern cyber security strategies because they greatly help to reduce hacks on a businesses website.

Gartner predicts an increase of 45% in cyber-attacks by the end of 2025.

In order to assure website visitors that their connection is safe and secure, web browsers such as Google Chrome, provide visual cues which are often called EV indicators.

These indicators can be anything from a green padlock to a branded URL bar, regardless of the method – they can all be seen easily which should make you feel more confident you’re shopping in a safe place.

You can tell that a website has an SSL certificate installed when HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) appears in front of the URL (i.e On the other hand, if a website does not encrypt its data you will see a warning sign and the words ‘not secure’.

So, what does an SSL certificate look like?

If you click on the small padlock that appears next to any website with HTTPS in front of the URL, you’ll be able to view the information about its SSL certificate.

ssl padlock url
You’ll see the name of the certificate holder, the issuer and the validity period. All SSL certificates expire eventually and require renewal.

An SSL certificate contains many details about the issuer of the certificate, a copy of the issuer’s public key and a digital signature of the certificate issuer. Here is what our SSL certificate looks like:

what does an ssl certificate look like

2. How can I tell if my website is protected by an SSL Certificate?


ssl certificate checker
Head over to Qualys SSL Labs and perform a free SSL Server Test on your website. 
It will take a few minutes to complete, but once it’s done, it’ll provide you with a wealth of information on the security status of your website.

It will grade your website from A+ to F and as you can see from the test performed on our website above – it checks a lot more that just your website. They interrogate the quality of the SSL certificate and the secure protocols your web server supports too, amongst others.

The Qualys SSL Labs test is one of the best cybersecurity tools in the world – and it’s 100% free.

This is a comprehensive website security assessment which is why it’s one of the best in the world. Trust what it says. Rarely do 100% free tools come along that are worth their weight in gold, but this one truly is.

Not all website security is created equal, far from it in fact, and SSL certificates are no exception. There are strong ones and weak ones, this free checker by Qualys is superb at rooting out the weak ones that are likely to cost you in the long-term so we encourage you to act upon it’s advice. Speaking of weak certificates, we strongly recommend against using the free ‘Let’s Encrypt’ SSL Certificates, they do practically nothing to improve your website’s security posture and certainly won’t help you financially recover in the case of a hack.

The last thing you want is to believe your website is secure, to then end up being hacked because a weak SSL certificate was chosen that wasn’t suitable for your use case – ask yourself this question, is it worth the risk? We’re only talking a few extra dollars here.

If your website has a grade lower than B, please do reach out to us so we can help restore the security of your website. It’s a fast and affordable service we offer clients world-wide.

3. Why should I buy an SSL Certificate?


why should I buy an ssl certificate
If you own a basic website, you should have an SSL certificate but it’s not essential.
In the spirit of full disclosure, your website will work perfectly fine without one. But if you are mindful of cybersecurity and the ever present threat of hacks, you really ought to invest in one.

However, if you are running an e-Commerce website or anything that involves asking users to login with a username and password, or are collecting sensitive information such as credit card numbers, address details or financial accounts – you absolutely need an SSL certificate to ensure the transmission of the data is safe and secure. Ask yourself this question, how would you feel if the situation were reversed?

Improve your cybersecurity posture with an SSL certificate – this means less chance of a hack.

The total number of attacks, per company, increased from 206 to 270 year over year in 2021. Which is an increase of over 30% – an SSL Certificate helps to increase your website security so you don’t fall victim to an attack. As these threats are very real and increasing, adding additional layers of security is a wise move.

Many website owners choose to have an SSL certificate even if they are not collecting sensitive information (such as credit card numbers) because they don’t want to be perceived as not keeping up with the times. So many websites embrace SSL these days – over 1.8 million SSL certificates have been issued as of 2021 – and so your decision goes a long way to reassure nervous buyers you are a trustworthy company and keeping up with modern trends.

Another major perk of SSL certificates are the warranties. Some come bundled with a form of insurance should the worst happen and an SSL failure was deemed the culprit. You might be able to claim anywhere from $500k right up to $3million to help your company financially recover. For some businesses, this reason alone is worth investing in one.

Boost your search engine rankings with a premium SSL Certificate.

Lastly, Google’s algorithm rewards websites that have them. SSL certificates are directly linked to Search Engine Optimisation, or SEO, so this value-add should not be overlooked. Especially if you are actively investing in your Web SEO. Your website will be given a boost in the search engine results pages (SERPs) if you have strong SSL certificate.

4. What are the different types of SSL Certificates?


What are the different types of SSL Certificates
There are three different types of SSL certificate.
They are:

  • Domain Validated (DV)
  • Organization Validation (OV)
  • Extended Validation (EV)

 The one that’s best suited for you will depend on your website and how much security you need:

  • DV SSL is best suited to personal websites or small projects and is the least expensive of the three. A DV SSL Certificate requires that the website owner verify that the domain is registered to the domain owner, this is achieved through the WHOIS database and makes them fast to issue. These are the most popular SSL Certificates with over 80% of the market share.
  • OV SSL is best suited to every day businesses or non-profits, and requires a higher level of verification to attain. As a result of these additional checks, an OV SSL Certificate is considered more secure than a DV SSL Certificate. The certificate issuer verifies the address and location of the owner prior to issue. These are popular certificates and occupy just over 17% of the market share.
  • EV SSL is best for e-Commerce businesses and organisations that exchange financial data (such as Banks and Lenders) as it offers the highest level of protection. In addition, these certificates offer the highest monetary warranties to any website affected by a failure of the SSL. The downside to all this protection however is the cost, they can be 10x more expensive than a DV SSL Certificate which is why they only hold around 2% of the market share. 

It’s probably worth mentioning at this point there are variations of the types of SSL certificates outlined above. Their purpose is to make like easier if you own lots of domains or sub-domains as you only need to buy one SSL certificate and they’re all protected in one go. The variations are known as:

  • Single Domain SSL Certificate (only covers a single domain name and sub-domain).
  • Wildcard SSL Certificate (covers a single domain but an unlimited number of sub-domains, often include warranties).
  • Multi-Domain SSL Certificate (covers all top-level domains you own for your business, such as a ‘.nz’ and ‘’ etc, include good warranties).
  • Multi-Domain Wildcard SSL Certificate covers all top-level domains as above and includes unlimited number of sub-domains, include excellent warranties)

To summarise all the information above, if you’re looking for the strongest SSL Certificate on the market for a business that operates many different domain names – consider a Multi-Domain EV Wildcard SSL Certificate.

Likewise, if you’re a small business owner who only needs one to protect their basic one page website and only own one domain name – consider a Single Domain DV SSL Certificate.

Obviously every business is different and ought to be assessed carefully for their cybersecurity needs, but this is a good rule of thumb to follow. 

5. Where do I buy an SSL Certificate for my website?


Where do I buy an SSL Certificate for my website?
We highly recommend The SSL Store which is now part of the DigiCert family – a founding name in SSL Certificates.

The SSL Store has over 15 years of SSL & Cybersecurity experience with access to over 110+ products through their online store. They have helped over 200,000 companies around the globe protect their businesses, employees, and customers. 

With credentials that strong, this is why we proudly partner with them and actively encourage our clients to purchase an SSL certificate with them directly.

Within 5 minutes, you will have found and purchased the right SSL certificate for your website. They make the whole process really easy and include instructions how to add them too. Now, that’s one less thing to worry about!

Your next steps.

At VIEWFULE, we intimately understand the world of online security is ever changing. Threats come from all corners of the globe these days and sometimes it can make you feel like you’re not in control. But, SSL certificates are one thing that help empower you and take back control. Your website will be much more secure with one than without. But if the worst does happen and you are hacked, even with an SSL certificate, they can come with warranties ranging from $500k – $3million to help you financially recover and get back on your feet. So if having this reassurance is of interest to you, Reach out for your FREE consultation and we’ll talk through SSL certificates for your business to keep you and your customers online shopping experience safe.

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